A few weeks ago Stacey and I were out doing our weekly shopping tour-JoAnn's, Michaels, Big Lots, Wal-Mart...whatever we can fit in before H is done at school. This day we were at Big Lots just poking around and Stacey comes around the corner with a HUGH orange bag in her hand. Now here is the bad thing about BFFs, they know almost everything about you! Stacey knows I have a weakness for Cheesy Poufs-can't get enough of them! She says, "Look! It's only $2 for this big bag. AND they look good. Do you want 'em?" At first I am skeptical 'cause food at BL is sometimes too off-brand, made in Mexico or expired, so I check it all out and find out that yes, they do look good and for $2 I walked out with a bag of Cheese Pops by brand K that was almost as big as my car! The tag line on these bad boys is, "Signs you're becoming a Munch Monster: Cheesy Grin, Fingertips always orange and Cheesy taste on the brain". All of those are true. I have eaten a few of those Cheese Puffs every night for almost two weeks and there are still some left in the bag! I am in Cheesy Pouf heaven!!! Dang you Stacey...
FIVE + ONE + a very timely email. (LONG)
15 years ago
Just like Cartman - lovin' the Cheezy Poofs!