Friday, March 19, 2010

Feelin' old...

The other day I was working in the cafetiera in lunch lady land. I was the lunchroom monitor that day and had to make the kiddies behave, eat their food and clean up. As I was walking around and monitoring the situations I overheard a funny kid "working" his crowd of kids at his table. He was so cute. Until...

This kid started doing this routine where he poped up his shirt collar and did this weird walk. He was shifting his shoulders back and forth really exagerated and kind-of struting while he walked. He had his eyebrows raised and while he is moving his shoulders he is making these random gestures with his hands. The kids at his table are laughing. He WAS funny! Then he says, "Who am I?" I thought it was a pretty funny impression of Elvis and I waited for someone to guess that. When no one answers he says, "I'm a guy from the 80's." WHAT?! I think "from the 80's?!!" I'm not old enough from my generation to be spoofed in a lunchroom! By a supremely UN-funny kid. Aarrgg...

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