Yesterday the weather folk reported that most of PA would be cold and rainy. BUT that those in the northern part of PA, up in the mountains could be hit with some early snowfall. I posted to FB that I was waiting for snow. When I woke up today to 30 degree weather, there was no snow. As I was getting dressed, I was sitting on in my bedroom when I noticed something moving outside. It was snow! I ran outside with damp hair, socks only and my camera. It was just like the fluffy flakes I remember from the 70's. It melted right away. But this was still fun stuff, so I danced a little jig, snapped a few photos and came in to call everyone I know! (OK-I'll admit that I am a dork!) After about 1 hour, I noticed that it was falling faster and there was more of it. As the afternoon progressed, the snow was covering the whole yard, my car, the steps, all the trees and brush...everything. I just kept running in and out with my camera all day long. I wanted a very good photo record of my first day!
When Charles got home, we headed to supper and a trip to Walmart (I needed to shop and was afraid to drive alone). The temps were dropping so I made sure to wear the appropriate layers! Underoos and all! What was super cool was driving home. It is pretty dark up here, so we drive with the high beams on so the snow looks like it is flying right at the car. It is a cool effect! We are supposed to get 4-10 inches of snowfall between today and Saturday. Not enough for a snow dude, but plenty to get this Florida girl all hyped up!
A fern on the front porch throughout the day.
My car at the end of the day.
The ever dropping thermometer!
Oh! The dogs hated it!
The foot print of mystery on our front porch! Spooky...
Master of the art of layers!
For today I am really enjoying the seasons and all the new adventures it is bringing this Florida native! I know that I may change my tune come February and March, but I am going to relish this wonder while it is here!
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