Tuesday, October 12, 2010

PS to the last blog post

This post is my version of a wifely chuckle!

On Monday evening I was taking the dogs out after dark. I am not the one who normally takes them out after dark, but Charles was busy, so what the hey. I turned on the front and back porch lights because if I'm going out in the dark the more lights I can turn on the merrier! So while I am out there waiting on the dogs, the lights go off! What the hey?! I rush in and have a few words with my darling husband about safety and lights and night time critters and wanting to see them just before they attack me, etc. He counters that he was just trying to save on electric. (Now is the part of the story that I'll tell you that inside the house the following lights were on: kitchen, living room, hallway #1, bathroom, bedroom #1, hallway #2 and master bedroom-where was Mr. Frugal IN the house?) Anyway...I stuck with my guns about safety and keeping outside lights on when we are outside.
Now we arrive to last night. BIG...GIANT thunderstorm brewing in the mountains. Very creepy-like setting. I put two baskets of recycling on the front porch to remind us to take it to Bloss this weekend. Charles wants to move it to the garage. OK, have at it. He sets off to move the baskets to the garage in the dark.

Now, my dear readers, remember what is in 3-4 mounds in the back yard? "Bird seed!" That's right? And remember what bird seed is called when it is not winter? "Bear food!" That is also right! And one more question. Remember what my rule is about outside lights on? "It helps to let you see the animal who is about to attack you!" Now back to Charles and that recycling!

He is in between the house and the garage when he hears snorting, huffing and lip smacking from a bear who is at or near the treeline. But he can't see 'cause he didn't turn the back porch lights on! His first thought is not to take a few steps to safety, no. He calls me on the phone! He is literally just a few steps from the house. All he would have to do is holler into an open window to get my attention. But he calls me. For what? To possibly ask me to turn on the back porch light to scare away the bear? To take photos as he wrestles a bear in the yard? I simply am dumbfounded!

Now I would like to add to the last post that HUSBANDS DO THE DARNEDEST THINGS!!!

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