It is HOT! The last few days we've hit the lower 90's! That may not seem too bad to an ex-Florida girl, but we do not have air conditioning in the houses up here. I heard that WalMart doesn't have an AC unit, just a recycled air thingey. SO, when it gets hot, we know it! On Monday it was so bad that the dogs looked miserable so I went on an emergency fan run. I hooked it up and once the girls got used to the noise, it quickly became their new favorite spot in the house-right in front of the fan!

The Wellsboro Town Band is back and I couldn't be happier! They only preform three times a year and last year we only got to see them once. Not this year! We'll be there for all three! Bring a lawn chair and join us next time.

Mansfield celebrates the 4th of July on the 3rd with an entire day of fun starting with a parade down Main Street. I was working until 4, so Charles took Kiwi and his camera. This is the group that I had really been wanting to see-The Roseville Rinkydinks. They are a group of synchronized lawn chair performers. They also have a band that plays music. Charles said that they were really funny. Dang! I guess I'll have to wait until the next parade.

These purple things started showing up in the trees months ago and Charles was convinced they were toxin detectors put up as an alert if the gas companies leaked toxins into the air. Nah! Turns out they are bug collectors. There are some pretty destructive beetles that PA is monitoring.

These are the back doors to the barn/garage/workshop building. I spent a few days in there finishing the picnic table that we got at Lowe's. It turned out great and we have been using it quite a bit this summer.

These are some photos from a wedding I helped Ruth with a couple of weekends ago. This place is just beautiful! It is an old home that has been remodeled and added on to to create a lovely B&B. They also do "retreats" here...I'm thinking of another scrapbooking weekend in PA!?

Dinner at The Frog Hut in Wellsboro. A vanilla malt and "Yankee Nachos"! Seasoned waffle fries, melted cheese and sweet/hot peppers. Good, "bad" food on a fork! Yum!

Ginger and I watch the fireworks display from the car. Ginger had been having seizures, so I thought it best if we stay in the car and avoid too much noise. Weird, but it seemed like she enjoyed them.
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