SO! I've decided to start with canning. I've been doing some research, reading some blogs and reviews on products and today I had decided to go get a starter kit. I found the one that I liked at Agway and it included a cook book, tongs, funnel, jars and the all-important pot with the base inside. I was headed to the Agway when I remembered our Sunday lesson at church. We talked about buying less, recycling more...lessening our footprint in the world. So when I am in the mood to go shopping my first place ALWAYS to check out are the local "junk-tique" stores. I thought, "They are never gonna have canning supplies." But what the heck, I had an hour to kill so I went into my favorite store. Not a dozen steps inside the door, in the second "booth" I peeped into, there it was! A beautiful, black, enamel canning pot. I lifted the lid and saw the stand inside. Sure, it didn't have all the other bells and whistles as the "kit" at Agway had, but it also wasn't $65! This was only $10 and I didn't buy new, so...go me! I stopped off at the Mansfield Mall (AKA-WalMart) on the way home and picked up a funnel, the Blue Bell cookbook and of course, some jars!
Tomorrow I am headed to the blueberry farm just outside of town to do some U-pick blueberries and head home to start making blueberry butter & blueberry preserves. Isn't this exciting?!!
So...if you live near me and find that you have some excess of any fruits or veggies, just give me a holler and let me see what I can turn them into! Wish me luck and I'll let y'all know how it turns out.
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