Life is simply good. Mile high pie and sunshine. How could it get any better!?

Luna, the reformed Barn Kitty, lounges in a basket!

The last little sliver of snow left in our yard. See the green? Yahooo!!

Charles meets up with a new friend on one of his weekend hikes.

The river that was the bottom of the drive/front yard when the snow was melting off of the mountain! That was pretty cool!

Ann is working that red vest!

Mile high lemon pie from the Wellsboro Diner. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE their pie selections!!

Some beautiful ribbon roses from my favorite store...TrimTex! Wish they were closer and I'd take all my croppers when they are here in April.

The dogs enjoy a nice moment in the sun! Can you say "happy puppies"?

The ice cream stores are opening back up! Yeah! Love Rita's Gelati cups!
My lovely kiddywinkies! Let me say this good. Be the good in the world. Be nice to each other. Smile. Use words and actions to build each other up. Take responsibility if you do or say something wrong or hurtful. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! Be tolerant of another person's beliefs-you may not agree, you may even vehemently disagree, but be tolerant. We don't have to agree, just COEXIST!
I am resting after a bad night of feeling the effects of a bad reaction to a new medication. Of all the things I felt like doing was to catch up on your blog....WHAT a pleasant reading...i have enjoyed every word, every photo, every recipe,every song and especially your words of wisdom to kiddywinkles...a beautiful paragraph that I am going to paste and copy and hang on my bulletin board. What a pleasure to have a friend in more thing I must say...why didn't you just renew your Florida license plates!!!!!!? Only 15 more days!!!!! Love ya...Barbara