Just to give you an idea of how bad this was, here is a BEFORE shot of the scene. I have all my buttons, charms, brads, hard themed embellishments, etc. stored in these lovely hardware bins from Lowe's. This photo was taken right after we moved in and they were still shrink wrapped, but this is how they look normally, minus the plastic.
This is AFTER...
It appears that either Kitten Jack or Elphaba who are both notorious climbers were up in the basement window. A very favorite kitty hang-out spot. So favorite that when they kept knocking down my 12x12 paper holders, I created a shelf/ramp for them to walk on without damaging my supplies. So one/both were climbing on the ramp and decided to take a detour through my supply shelf. There someone knocked over one of those hardware bins, an entire vase full of buttons, a wire basket full of my "bling" and a basket of my felt pieces. Now, for you scrapbookers, the nine bins in question were this: Brads, Small Brads, Speciality Brads, Conchos, Charms, Photo Turns & Hinges, Bottle Caps, Snaps & Nails. Yeah. You can cringe 'cause y'all know what my afternoon "pick up" project was. All those bloody conchos had stuck in the carpet and I had to pick the each and every one from them carpet fibers! Oooh! But I wanted to strangle me a cat. But which one?! Elphaba is pretty much the one who spends the most time up in that window, but Kitten Jack is a kitten and is pretty much "all kitten". So I am gonna go with KJ. And if I wasn't 100% sure here he is returning to the scene of the crime looking all innocent and offering to help me clean up. Yeah! I would put buttons or conchos in their bins and Jack would "help me" by flicking them back out. I see right through you buddy!
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