These are pillows that I had Miss Linda from Bearly Enough cover for me. In my old semi-hoarding days one of the things I held onto was a really cool, old blanket that used to be on BrotherDoug's bed (the checked one). I loved the colors, but the thing was ripped up pretty good. My plan was to "do something" with it. For years it sat at the bottom of the linen closet waiting... Well, on one of my Toss Ten days, I noticed three big pillows that didn't really match anything we had-they were geometric patterned-so not me. So I was gonna donate them to Goodwill. But then I had a light bulb moment. Pillows...blanket? Blanket...pillows?! Viola! I took them all down to Linda, my expert seamstress friend and a few weeks later picked up three new pillows that not only match my style more, they have a cool sentimental touch. Go me!

Our old burn barrel was rusting at the bottom. We knew we had to get another one, but where? Us city slickers didn't have a clue. My first thought was the Internet. You can find everything there. I did find a super fancy burn barrel for $45! We kept looking and asked around and finally our mechanic, Scott, told me "Fat Albert Jr.'s" Sounds promising. We found a whole bunch of 'em there for
cheap! I really wanted the pink one, but Charles said that there was no way he was burning trash in a PINK barrel! So we got the brown one. Little did we dunces know...one burn and the paint is all burned away! Duh.

The charming downtown/Main Street area of Towanda from across the river. We went there for First Friday this month and besides leaving my ATM card in the machine we had a fantastic time!

Peonies and Strawberries! I had very little to do with these blooms. The peonies were here when we moved in, only I didn't know that they were peonies. The strawberries came from Lowe's. I put them in a pot and made sure they had sun and water. That's it. But lookie at how cool they are!

I bought an ice cream maker because I have been wanting to try to find my favorite gelato recipe-sea salt and caramel. They were on sale at WalMart, so I couldn't resist! I tried my first recipe for a girl's scrapbooking day with Julie. I roasted some bananas in brown sugar, toasted some cashews and bashed them up with a couple of Heath bars. Then I mixed up the gelato recipe with all kinds of bad stuff like egg yolks, heavy cream and sugar. Followed the directions and in about 20 minutes we had the most yummy gelato!

Late one evening, actually very early morning, I heard a big 'ole "yowling" coming from outside. I thought we might have accidentally let one of our cats out, so I went to find out. There sitting on our back deck was a tiny kitten. With the number of bears that have been in our yard, I knew it wouldn't last outside crying like that, so in he came. He turned out to be a very sweet little boy, who is quickly making himself at home!

Bears everywhere! Foot prints in the mud behind the house. Visiting the yard quite a bit. Turning over the burn barrel. Leaving HUGE prints in the long grass in front of the porch. Oh my! This makes the bear sighting score at: Charles-2, Jen-8! All in our yard!!

The parade today at the Laurel Festival. Such wonderful, charming, small-town Americana! The parade lasted about 1 1/2 hours with tons and tons of floats, marching bands, THREE bagpipe groups, antique tractors, local politicians, etc. We sat in the grass on a blanket under a tree. We chatted with tons of people-chihuahuas are FANTASTIC conversation starters! After the parade, we went to the festival/carnival. There were booths of great crafts and artisans. Food vendors where we had classic funnel cake and an amazing veggie crepe. It was a most wonderful day!
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