As the day draws nearer to when we are pulling up our Florida stakes and moving to Pennsylvania, I find myself wanting to take photos of things I will parking space in the garage at The Doodle, Pei Wei, the dog park, Val's Baskets, Piccadilly, Tropical Splash Smoothies, palm trees, our beaches, Country Club Automotive, Billy my nail tech, Starbucks/Dunkin' Donuts coffee drive thrus, etc... The other day I was standing out in our backyard while the dogs took care of their business I noticed something that I absolutely will NOT miss when we move-lizards!! I am so not a fan of these creepy little buggers. Every day as I stand in the yard they seem to taunt me just 'cause they know I don't care for them. They always stare me down and sometimes seem to rush at me, playing a kind of "chicken" game. They always win! In fact one time, one of them jumped on Ginger's back and as much as I love my girl, I turned tail and ran, shouting at Ginger, "You're on your own, girl!" So, in the idea of giving equal time to the things I will not miss when we move, I give you...the lizard!
You may be thinking, if you know me well at all, that I will just be trading lizards for bears. You may also know that my fear of bears is deep and pathological. Yep-bears would stare me down and would probably rush at me, not to play chicken but to eat me. But I promise you this, the day, the minute, the second that I see bears in PA as often as I see lizards in FL I will hop in my car, shouting back to the rest of the Peck clan, "You're on your own, y'all!" as I drive back to Florida!
Jen, when do you leave Florida?
ReplyDeleteSome time in July.